But first please read on

T H A N K  Y O U  a n d  W E L C O M E

Thanks to your donations, contributions and collaborations, this important and crucial activity is a significant functional contribution to counteract the polluting means of transport.

" We are committed to a future through soft and active mobility ( * ) " Our project includes the construction of a 4-lane bicycle road and a footpath with a fully permeable surface that runs from " East to West " through the Old Continent. Climate change has prompted us to launch this project to protect biodiversity.

Impact and participation

One of the many objectives of this project is: According to researcher Jean Jouzel, who led the work of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for ten years, global carbon dioxide emissions must fall below current levels. That is, by at least 2/3, and at best 200 kg of CO2 (today: Pakistan and Vietnam) per person per year, by the end of the century.

Indeed, our first goal is to raise the sufficient sum of €200,000.00 in less than 36 months.
This prize pool, which will precede a meeting of all donors and volunteers, marks the beginning of a second event to create community technicians and designers in the field of civil engineering. This capital will be exclusively intended for the construction of active mobility ( * ) highways throughout the Eurasian territory. Once the prize pool has produced the company's financial capital, each donor will be expressly informed and invited to a general meeting. Depending on whether the person has indicated his or her identity, e-mail address or other contact information when he or she made his or her contribution and registered on the form below, I would take it upon myself to invite them to the first general meeting, which will be held by videoconference. In case of incapacity of the person, I would contact them by phone, otherwise, as far as possible, by the means you have communicated to me. This will allow them to grant a power of attorney or make a statement and express their interest in participating in the construction project of the active mobility ( * ) motorway. All contributors will be informed of the procedure for setting up the company and will have the freedom to communicate to me their position, their way of acting and willingness to act, as well as their knowledge. In this case, please contact Mr. Christian Grunewald, project manager, at < ch.grunewald@wanadoo.fr >

= Name *


= E-mail address *


= Message *



= Send form

This capital is part of the training of the ACTIVE-MOBILITY company. In the event of failure, we undertake to repay all funds to the contributors under the best conditions of compliance with the financing system offered by the crowdfunding platform.

The share capital of this founding company of ESS (Social and Solidarity Economy) amounts to €190,220.00. The minimum participation, for example by a person, an association or a company via the crowdfunding platform, social networks or our website < www.bike-active-mobility.org >, starts at €1.00 and can be repeated flexibly.